Working Silicon Valley Style
Hal Amano
It has been said that the whole Silicon Valley is one ecosystem by itself. What does it really mean? What is the working style of Silicon Valley?
In an ecosystem, you are well connected to people outside the organization or company that you belong to. You are loyal to where you work as long as you are there but the job security is not that high and you are not totally dependent on it either. People form a network of individuals beyond a particular job place or company and help each other in their network.
This book is available on Amazon and other on-line book sites.
How To Become A Global-Minded Business Professional
Hal Amano
There are two “walls”, Amano explains. One is the “wall of the network,” the fact that businesses are not connected as well as they could be in Japan. The other is the “language barrier wall” and the continued need to improve English skills. This book is available on Amazon and other on-line book sites.
Simple Communications
Hal Amano
Simple Communications is Hal Amano's second book. This book focuses on the “Communication Rules” laid out in his first book, Globalizing Your Business Skills, and explores the concepts in depth. Hal Amano developed these rules based on thirty years of experience doing business abroad. In December 2009, this book reached #1 best seller on Amazon.co.jp.
>other publication

Here at Global Vision Technology, we believe that Japanese technology is excellent. However, the world is leaving Japan behind. This is in part due to the Japan's inability to communicate with the outside world, or more rather, perhaps Japan has stopped trying to communicate.
Can Japan continue like this?
With technologies such as cloud computing and open innovation, the speed of globalization is accelerating and the use of overseas technologies and equipment is only natural. In the future it will be impossible for Japanese companies to do business alone. It is necessary for Japanese companies to form partnerships with foreign companies.
Now, communication skills are in high demand.
No longer is the world looking for technical specialists of the past. Today, people such as yourself who are aiming to become global business persons are in demand.
Let's work together and compete at the global level!
If this appeals to you, after checking ouremployement qualifications, please contact us at careers@gvtech.co.jp.

Employee Interview: Izumi Katayama, Division Manager, System Infrastructure Division
“It's not as difficult as you might think! ”
Even if your English skill is not so strong, it won't be a big hurdle to work on overseas projects as long as you keep your motivation to step up and have passion to achieve your goal. >read more