With recent expansion of global markets, almost all IT projects now come with a need to deal with oversea matters.
Global Vision Technology's well seasoned engineers assist you in achieving amazing results in today's rapidly evolving international business environment with unparalleled excellence. Global Vision Technology has worked with numerous of clients of all sizes across both domestically and internationally. This has resulted in a firm understanding of each client's diverse business needs on all levels, allowing us to provide relevant client solutions related to application development, networking and manufacturing needs on any scale.

Image Recognition:
Developed an image recognition system that analyzes and compares historical stock data with current data searches for similar trends.
Stock prices were converted using a special algorism to image data and then compared for similarity using image recognition. The purpose was to predict certain stock prices. We applied the pattern recognition technique to achieve both accuracy and speed.
Financial System:
Created architecture for an internal financial system that manages customers, contracts, products and credit.
A financial system was not only for domestic but also worldwide use and therefore we had to deal with multi-locale and large user base. We proposed a system based on customer needs, cost-performance, and usability aspects, and we now provide engineering services at all levels from a top design process to support and maintenance.
User Support:
Provided user support to a major automobile maker for hardware, software, network and CAD/CAM.
We provide, for mainly manufacturing industry, insider user support of hardware, software, and network systems in the area of CAD/CAM/PDM covering from installation of new systems, operational support, to product training for both domestic and overseas locations.
Design Support:
Provided support using CAD for design work to a major automobile maker.